You get the government you vote for


To the Editor:

I was going to write about gun control, but then came the Supreme Court and the overthrow of Roe v. Wade.

I do not do abortions, although back in the day if a patient of mine had had a miscarriage, I would have done a D&C to prevent her getting infected.

Anyway, what with six Supreme Court justices deciding to get their politics in the way of their apolitical duty, abortions are out of the window for a large number of American women because the Supreme Court is not about to stop at Roe v. Wade — just ask Clarence Thomas.

So far this is not the case, but if the Republicans take over the government it may not be the case for long. If we vote Democrats in and Republicans out, then the Republicans may learn a lesson and stop interfering with our private lives and vice versa. You get the government you vote for.

In the interim, there is always the over-the-counter morning after pill and the abortion pill that you can order for the first 12 weeks. There is also the morning-after IUD, but that tends to be expensive. And of course there is the preventive treatment: the birth control pill, which is probably the best idea. Women, you are the one who gets pregnant, so you should make plans to be be pro-active.

W.E. Feeman Jr., MD

Bowling Green

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