Wooster Green a bright spot for BG


To the Editor:

The return of Firefly Nights on June 17 is yet another reminder that the Wooster Green is a visible and important feature of our historic Downtown Bowling Green.

As chair of the Wooster Green Steering Committee, I can’t underscore enough our deep feelings of appreciation to all of the donors who helped to make the Wooster Green a reality.

It was on Friday, June 1, 2018 that the gazebo was dedicated. Now all of the elements are in place (gateway, sculpture, irrigation system, bike racks, landscape, Wooster Green welcome plaque, trash receptacles, benches, light poles, drinking fountain, trees) save one: the donor recognition plaque which will list the names of all 288 donors who contributed more than $400,000 for the project.

It is our hope that soon we will be able to install the donor recognition plaque in concert with a special time of celebration at the historic site. Simply stated, COVID and its impact on materials and production have hindered CenTec of Fremont in its ability to cast the donor recognition plaque in timely fashion.

In addition to the donors and all individuals and groups who made the Wooster Green a reality, we are especially grateful to the City of Bowling Green for its dedication of land as well as its all-important care and maintenance of the property.

For groups wishing to use the Wooster Green, scheduling can be accommodated by calling the city at 419-354-6204.

On behalf of the steering committee and its fund-raising chair, Sharon Hanna, thank you.

Dick Edwards

Committee Chair and Mayor Emeritus

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