We need to restore states’ rights in gun, abortion issues


To the Editor:

The Texas shooting of all the young children was a horrific event — to think they were inside a locked room trying to make mobile phone calls while being murdered by a crazy individual.

This is one of many murders all over our country. These children will never see their ambitions and potential.

The Democrats continue to beat their “eliminate guns” mantra as the solution. They fail to mention the failed gun control policies of the Chicago and Washington, D.C., while they murder with illegal guns every hour.

Why don’t they blame and ban the murder weapons of the abortion doctors? Unfortunately the unborn children murdered do not have mobile phones while locked in their womb when being murdered with major pain.

They don’t realize Roe vs. Wade legislation allows murders to continue on a federal basis without the states. We are talking about babies being killed everyday with the blessing of the liberal Democratic party.

This is the same as any gun legislation where elimination of guns does not stop the deranged killers who will succeed until this country restores the mental health efforts of years past.

Gun violence is not predictable, while abortions are scheduled every day.

We need to restore states’ rights as Democratic politicians cannot speak for every state, city or citizen.

We need to terminate Roe to remove bad legislation and put our money back into mental health efforts.

We need to restore and strengthen the Constitution and the amendments that our country was founded on.

We need to eliminate Democratic party attempts to further their selfish agendas inconsistent with the foundation of our country. They are hypocrites relating to guns and abortion.

Put God back into our schools and everyday life: For the people by the people, not politicians.

Phil Caron


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