We are in crisis and need both parties to see it


To the Editor:

The dictionary definition of Tug of War is “a contest in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope, each trying to drag the other across a central line. Any power struggle between two parties.”

This is the state of our political arena. It far overrides morality, common sense and the wishes and needs of most American taxpayers and voters (regardless of party affiliation).

It is apparent that the focus on Capitol Hill is to back private business interests who generously fund (either legally or illegally) political campaigns. There is a direct relationship between business and the well-being and future of U.S. citizens.

For example, the following are legally protected and Republican party-supported enterprises — the pharmaceutical industry, National Rifle Association, insurance companies, weapons manufacturers, gas, oil, coal and nuclear energy providers, the Evangelical Church and other religious entities and banking industries.

A lot of these businesses report annual profits in the trillions of dollars. All provide services that directly affect American lives.

Most of us elect to office those who we believe will protect our interests and our children’s futures.

In the current political environment, the opposite is happening.

The pockets of those we put in office are being lined on the backs of the American worker to substantial loss to family finances, wellness, environmental health and overall standard of living.

The tug of war being waged by the political parties is so destructive that many truly fear the loss of our once cherished and envied democratic society.

Sadly, we are experiencing a time in history when our elected lawmakers cannot relinquish self-interest and political dogma to fairly maintain and support our great country.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of empathy for the people they serve and who pay their salaries, the crisis we are facing will affect future generations.

Emergency needs for our country must be addressed now. We are in crisis mode and both parties must work towards agreement on the following critical issues: infrastructure, funded childcare, affordable quality education including schools in poor neighborhoods, licensing and gun ownership law, cost of healthcare an insurance, and an 11th-hour reversal to climate change.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

Joy Potthoff

Bowling Green

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