Pray for court, pregnancy center


To the Editor:

The wonderful organization founded over 30 years ago in Bowling Green, and in many other cities, for young women facing an unplanned pregnancy and how it is affecting their lives is the Pregnancy Center.

They give each young visitor love and support with information about prenatal care, baby clothing and food, and classes to teach about all choices to give this child a good life on earth.

Our present Supreme Court is soon making a decision on Roe vs Wade. For what the rumor (news leakage) is saying, it seems, this too will give every child a much better chance for a good life on earth. Let’s pray for God’s guidance over each judge.

Also, in the May 7 Sentinel-Tribune (BG League of Women Voters supports reproductive choice), I didn’t agree with letter from league.

But I loved the artwork beside it: The grown son holding his mother up in a big hug with a rose for her in his hand, and mom holding an old snapshot of her son, then a toddler, with her scooping up her son in arms of love.

Ruth Pierce


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