Still searching for ‘facts’ from this pandemic


To the Editor:

In response to Dr. W.E. Feeman’s letter published on May 4 (“Let us deal with facts, not Republicans’ big lies”), Feeman states that his life has been a constant search for truth.

If he keeps looking in the same places for morsels of truth, he won’t find any. According to his statements in that letter, his search for truth is still empty.

Is Feeman aware of the continuous censorship of truth that’s been going on since the onset of COVID-19? Is he aware that this so-called vaccine has killed and maimed many times more people than all other vaccines combined?

Is he aware, being a physician, that many doctors have successfully treated thousands of patients using hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and budesonide without losing a patient, while hospitals are losing patients right and left, and are receiving tens of thousands of dollars for each COVID death?

Is he aware that neither masks nor “vaccines” do nothing toprevent infection or spread of COVID, and that our medical decisions are ours alone? Is he aware that the CDC, WHO and Tony Fauci were spreading fear to control the populace? Is he aware that the vaccine and genocide was the end game? Is he aware that climate change is just a farce, and that fossil fuels are absolutely essential?

If Feeman is searching for truth, there’s certain criteria to finding it. First you have to be a free thinker. Next, you have to open your eyes, turn over stones and look hard, because truth is being covered up (by the left), and will take work to find it.

I hope Feeman will also learn someday that there is a deep state pulling strings in our government to take our nation down. That’s a fact, and to him, I’m sure it’s another Republican lie.

John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” So if Feeman is still searching for truth, here it is for him to ponder. Real truth is nevereasily accepted.

Gerry Troyer


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