Fox TV personality embodies the worst of America


To the Editor:

Tucker Carlson and Fox News have repeatedly said that strengthening the male hormone is the answer to many of our country’s ills. Those problems include open borders, required masks, climate worries, excessive government spending, high taxes and welfare.

Carlson is the leading powerhouse for many conservatives. Five nights a week, he offers his populist message to millions of Fox News viewers. He tells them that the people who run our country are “a senile man and an imbecile;” that our military leadership, in the person of Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is “not just a pig, he’s stupid;” and that in our schools, “children are being taught by some of the most ignorant people in the country.” He honors Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis’ “Don’t say gay” legislation.

In early April, Carlson’s program surpassed Sean Hannity as the highest-rated primetime cable news show. He garnered an average audience of 626 million viewers, the largest for any program in the history of cable news.

Carlson has condemned mask laws and claimed that the last presidential election was rigged. He denounces Critical Race Theory because it disturbs our youth.

His documentary extols the virtues of strength and exercise and berates America’s “soft, chubby children.” It’s no surprise that Fox suggests that the answer to all of our problems is testosterone. The channel is heavily invested in the idea that a decrease in testosterone is making men more liberal. Many of its advertisers sell pills that promise to increase testosterone.

Carlson has many of Donald Trump’s traits. Both are gifted speakers who can sell anything. The decline of newspapers and book reading, and the power of the internet can explain why lies are so widely spread. Truth is a rare commidity.

The crime surge and extreme numbers of mass killings are not the result of too little testosterone but of too much. Weak magistrates don’t put killers onto the streets. Joblessness, inflation, failed job training and poverty do.

Not all conservatives worship Carlson but most have caught his cold: Real men don’t recycle, pick up trash in the street or help old ladies cross the road. Real men tip waiters lightly, mock the handicapped, and grab women between their legs.

Tom Klein

Bowling Green

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