Average Joe needs to go to school


To the Editor:

Prior to bashing public schools in his latest editorial (Big Brother has no place in the U.S., March 20), how many teachers did Joe Average speak with? With how many schools did he request to review the curriculum with him? Did he review educational standards available through the Ohio Department of Education?

Charter schools are funded by taxpayer money. Did Joe check out how and what they teach? The Legislature controls the schools. The Legislature mandates what is in the curriculum. The Legislature mandates teacher training and certification. They set the standards through law and the State Board of Education that has been controlled by the governor since the board was packed with political appointees. Prior to this Ohio was ranked No. 5 in the nation, We are now in the middle of the pack educationally.

Teach how our government is supposed to work? What a joke. Elections are rigged through gerrymandering. A committee required by the state constitution, voted for by the people, produces an unconstitutional voting map four times. It is supported by a Supreme Court justice who has a father on the committee (governor) who should recuse himself from the cases. The system is fueled by money. Political party is placed over country again and again.

Many members of Congress come out multiple millionaires from their “service to the people.”

Joe, the secret is this is just another boogeyman tactic. Another distraction to point blame and accuse evil doing that we must stand against.

The vast majority of teachers are honest hardworking people doing the best they can. They are underpaid and underappreciated. They are not the enemy of the people. Run for the board of education Joe and save the day.

Russell Griggs


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