Big Brother has no place in the US


There has been a secret development in our educational system for a number of years. Only recently has this come to the attention of the general public.

School systems have been “teaching” our children that parents don’t have the right to monitor the education of their own kids. And what is being taught shouldn’t be discussed with mom and dad. These school systems are financed by tax dollars that parents pay.

Yet, the schools say parents have no right to know what is being taught to their kids. Say what?

Taxpayers have no right to know how their money is being used? Where did this come from? How can any professional even have a thought like that? This isn’t keeping with my understanding of the rights of any American citizen. What are these educators keeping from the parents? And why? Also, why are these education bureaucrats calling parents who question this, domestic terrorists? Who gave these bureaucrats the authority to say this?

There must be a reason for the curriculum being kept from parents. Has the government become the parent? If so, why are parents still paying for housing and food for their children?

The reason my be very simple, Big Brother is wanting to be in control of everyone and everything.

In our country Big Brother cannot exist — not with the freedoms we have as guaranteed by our Constitution. That is what these bureaucrats don’t understand. Teachers should have learned by the time they are in the classroom, about the Constitution and how it is the law of the land. But they are not teaching this, maybe because they didn’t learn it when they were students. That is how long our system has been compromised. By who or what?

And the Critical Race Theory program has been taught for too long. Maybe under another name, but the theory has been undermining the education of our children for far too long. Some people call it indoctrination, while others call it brainwashing. No matter what it is called it has no place in our educational system at any level. Whether the subject is racism, inclusion, gender identity, or any other woke idea, it has no place in our schools. Reading, writing and arithmetic are or should be central in any curriculum, as well as science. How our government is set up and how it is intended to work, should be taught. Nothing about the political aspects and nothing of political nature.

We need to end the influence of the control freaks at the board of education and the government — people with an agenda of government control of our lives, which is what the regimes of dictatorships use. This is not what a freedom-loving country wants or needs. Individual freedom is what our nation was founded on and how it grew to be a great nation.

Parental rights are basic to our freedoms. Individual rights is also basic to our freedoms. When the activists, politicians and bureaucrats work to deny any of our freedoms, it is a step in the direction of dictatorship.

Corruption of the young is only one step. Teaching age inappropriate subjects and ideology is how this is happening. Teaching false and misleading information is another way our young people are being corrupted.

It must stop. Corruption at all levels must stop — otherwise we will lose our freedoms and our country.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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