Otsego, BGCA get WATER grants


The Northwestern Water and Sewer District has awarded local teachers grant funding for educational programs focusing on water.

Two teachers are from Otsego Local Schools as well as Bowling Green Christian Academy received fund.

Water And Environment Teacher Education Resources grants assist local schools by providing direct funding to support educators in teaching about the importance of water resources. In 2022, the district will be providing over $5,100 to local schools to fund water-focused educational programs.

Molly Duhamel, from Otsego Junior High School, was awarded a $389 grant to purchase a data collection platform for a pH sensor. The WATER grant will assist in purchasing this important piece of equipment used by the students to test water quality at Mary Jane Thurston Park in the fall. Students conduct this research as a part of TMACOG’s Student Watershed Watch program.

Marti Clayton, from Otsego Elementary, received a $500 WATER grant to fund equipment for a problem-based learning project exploring the questions of where fourth-grade students water originates from and how farming practices affect their water.

Bowling Green Christian Academy science teacher Brad Schaser was awarded a $300 WATER grant for his seventh grade science class. The grant will assist in purchasing the equipment used by the students to test water quality in local streams this fall.

“This is the largest year for our WATER grant program. We share in our educators’ enthusiasm for teaching students about taking care of our number one resource, water,” said district President Jerry Greiner.

The district introduced the WATER grant program in December 2014. The idea began with a desire to give back to the schools and communities the district serves, to create educational awareness regarding the importance of water and the environment, and to support the district’s mission of commitment to responsible environmental stewardship.

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