What if veterans refused to serve?


To the Editor:
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 – Veterans Day, a day our nation set aside to Honor and thank all those men
and women who dedicated a part of their lives to serve in the US Armed Forces. Think about this –
What if – when our country called, our Veterans had said, "No, I’m busy?"
What if – when their service was needed, our Veterans refused?
What if -Two hundred thirty-eight years ago people refused to stand up to King George? There would have
been no Lexington, no Concord. Betsy Ross would just been another seamstress and Boston Harbor would
never had that famous Tea Party.
What if – in 1860, nobody cared about States Rights and slavery? What would life be like today?
What if – in 1917 nobody answered the call? What would life be like in Europe?
What if – in 1941 nobody wanted to defend our country? What would our life be like?
What if – after 911 no one cared to stand up to the terrorists?
What if – the enemies of Freedom had prevailed? What kind of life would we have today? Would we be able
to speak freely? Live where we choose? Pursue our choice of career? Worship where and when we wanted?

If we wanted to worship?
But Americans did answer the call to serve – to defend Freedom. Americans – from all walks of life, from
every economic, racial, ethnic and religious background. We live in the greatest country in the world.
Where else is there the Freedom – the tradition of Freedom – we enjoy in the United States of America?
Thanks to all of those men and women who dedicated a part of their lives to serve in the US Armed
Thank you to all of you – for your service.
Herb Dettmer
Commander, Post 45
American Legion

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