Wayne library levy deserves support from voters


To the Editor:
I am writing to encourage our voters to vote yes to the Wayne Public Library’s 1 mill operating levy
which will appear on the ballot November 4. I have used this library since I first moved to this area of
Wood County, and highly recommend this levy, which will cost about $35 per year to those who own a $100K
home. That is less than $3 per month.
The levels of funding have dropped quite a bit over several years. Residents of Ohio have enjoyed
lowering of taxes over the past years, but the effect of this is that funding for state funded
facilities and municipalities has been reduced quite a bit. The decrease in materials purchased for our
library has dropped 34 percent since 2007. In 2007 there were 12 holidays throughout the year, and now
there are 21, all measures to save money.
There is so much offered by our library, despite the budget constraints. The Interlibrary Loan program
has often gotten me materials that our library does not have. The  Children’s Programs are very popular
and well attended. Usually the Children’s Librarian needs to begin a wait list because the programs fill
up. There are books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs for children and adults. You may download software for a
smart phone or tablet and use it to read books on your device; you may download free music.
Patrons who need the use of computer may use the library’s public computers, or bring your laptop or
tablet for free Wi-Fi. The library has facilities for faxing, copying, laminating and a notary. Staff
also cater to the homebound with home delivery.
The services offered to our community are valuable and the levy is needed to continue these services.  I
urge you to vote YES to the levy for our community library.
Mary Ellen Werner

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