Wayne books program popular with preschoolers and parents


WAYNE – Area kids are lining up to read "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten."
The Wayne Public Library started the program last month and hundreds of books have been read already.
"Kids and parents are really excited about the program and we have a surprisingly large number
registered," said Lynn Savial, youth services coordinator at the Wayne Public Library.
"Although we just started the ‘1,000 Books B4K’ at the end of September, several children have
already reached the 100 book level which is fantastic. Most importantly, it’s nice to know that we are
having such an impact on the number of books being read to our youngest patrons."
The first "1000 Books Before Kindergarten" was started in 2006 at Bremen Public Library in
Bremen, Indiana.
The program has spread to libraries all over the country.
It is based upon research that the more children ages 0-5 hear books read to them, the more prepared they
will be to learn to read upon reaching kindergarten.
Libraries administer the program differently, but the general framework is based upon encouraging and
rewarding reading with incentives.
At Wayne Public Library, children up to age 5 can register for the "1,000 Books B4K" program
and anyone may read to the child.
"We provide reading logs to track the books that are read to the children. After each 100 books, the
children turn in their reading logs and then get to choose a small prize," Savial said.
When the children reach the 1,000 book milestone, they get to choose a hardcover book, plush animal, and
are recognized in our newsletter and on the library’s Facebook page.
For more information, call Savial at the Wayne library at 419-288-2708.

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