Poll workers needed for Tuesday’s election


Precinct workers are still needed at the Wood County Board of Elections because of cancellations due to
health concerns with the coronavirus COVID-19.
Terry Burton, director at the board of elections, is reminding voters that Tuesday’s election is
proceeding, with cleanliness measures added. However, he is in need of poll workers on Election Day.
Some people have volunteered, but he has also had a number of people that decide to stay home.
“We are getting cancellations pretty much all the time,” Burton said. “We’re trying to continue to
recruit people to be substitute poll workers, because at any given moment we are down two or three and
as it gets closer some people are choosing that they can’t work for one reason or another.”
Gov. Mike DeWine made the suggestion that students who are not going to be in class should volunteer to
work the polls. This suggestion was a welcome idea for Burton.
“For one reason or another, some involves the larger health situation and some is from personal reasons
that just happen. This happens every election,” Burton said.
However, he said this year the cancellation numbers are greater this year.
“I will say that this year our substitutes are low, and pretty small. Our replacement group is pretty
small and almost nonexistent. So anybody that has an interest, that would be able to work Tuesday, we’d
really appreciate it if they would call us,” Burton said. “We are certainly looking for people who are
willing to be a substitute even that morning. Someone wakes up and doesn’t feel well that morning, we
need to be able to get someone out there to the poll.”
The phone number for the Wood County Board of Elections is 419-354-9120. There are paid positions
available. The website is https://www.co.wood.oh.us/BOE/PEOs%20Page.html

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