Penta honors top senior students

Penta Career Center held its Senior Recognition Ceremonies in May and 736 members of the Class of 2014
were honored during seven separate ceremonies.
The Outstanding Student Award was presented to 56 seniors based on performance and excellence in their
individual career-technical program.
The Outstanding Student Award is presented to seniors based on performance and excellence in their
individual career-technical program.
Wood County students who earned the reward included:
Jacob Baroncini, Perrysburg, Marketing Education
Alexander Beaverson, Bowling Green, Culinary Arts
Cassandra Braden, Elmwood, Medical Tech-nologies
Rebecca Brouwer, Perrysburg, Culinary Arts
Sarah Brown, Perrys-burg, Small Animal Care
Tyler Cassavore, Rossford, Marketing Education
Janell Crockett, Perrysburg, Small Animal Care
Hannah Davis, Otsego, Marketing Education
My Hiep Doan, Rossford, Cosmetology
Jacob Garza, Perrysburg, Computer-Aided Design
Allen Jones, Lake, Automotive Technology
Victor Kern, Eastwood, Culinary Arts
Allyson LaCourse, Eastwood, Cosmetology
Joshua Leech, North-wood, Computer Hardware & Networking
Troy Lewis, Otsego, Construction Concepts
Matthew Mazur, Ross-ford, Construction Electricity
Samantha Neiswander, Perrysburg, Teaching Prof-essions
Justin Phillips, North Baltimore, Construction Masonry
Colby Roseman, Otsego, Automotive Col-lision Repair
Nathan Sell, Bowling Green, Marketing Edu-cation
Chelsea Stewart, North Baltimore, Exercise Science/Sports Health Care
Shane VanVorce, Eastwood, Heating & Air Conditioning Technology
Jody Violanti, Lake, Welding
Erica Welch, Perrysburg, Hair Design
Trey Yarger, Bowling Green, Landscape & Turfgrass Management