Obama administration has created disasters


To the Editor:
I get so upset anymore, I can hardly watch the news! If the United States goal is to destroy ISSES and
terrorists then, let the military do their work as they see fit! Why should any President try to dictate
the battle plans when his background is, a University Professor and an organizer! Give the military the
goal and turn them loose! This government is all political and does not have any military, educational,
or war background. Let the Joint Chiefs do their job!
Everything the Obama administration has touched is a disaster. They lie all the time! Stimulus plans,
Fast and Furious, IRS scandals, Benghazi, our Border security, the pipeline approval, EPA regulations,
persons investigated, computers hacked, the so-called Obama Care "Affordable Care" plan,
relationships with Israel, France, Germany, England, etc. and now they are going to allow Iran nuclear
status. There have been several terrorist attacks from so-called homegrown terrorists. The United States
working populace is at the level of the 30’s Great Depression. If more people were working, perhaps they
would not have time to get drawn into evil! I wonder, sometimes, if our President is a secret terrorist
because of the dumb political tricks he plays. Even the Vice President is a walking disaster! Voters
need to vote using fully informed brains and research of past history of the world and United States and
the candidates! Let’s get people in control with some conservative, common sense values! God Help Us!

Carlene M. Creps
Bowling Green

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