Library makes a big difference


To the Editor:
Many have already written to describe the wide range of services and activities that complement the books
at the Wood County District Public Library. The statistics cited on the number of people who visit the
library each month is more than enough reason to vote for the renewal levy. This library really makes a
difference in our community. The public benefits in countless ways. The current community reads (The
Yellow Birds) and related activities are an eye-opening tribute to our veterans. A recent and ongoing
example of the collaborative attitude of library staff has been the genuinely enthusiastic partnership
with the university and community’s Identity Project ( A library window display
envisioned by the children’s librarian was designed and installed by BGSU art faculty Todd Childers and
Ryan Shelly to illustrate the influence of classic books on the identity development of children. A
Gathering of Book Groups, co-sponsored by University Women, was a delightful example of community spirit
as various aspects of identity were explored with a visiting author. At another meeting the non-fiction
book group addressed the threat of identity theft by reading "Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy,
Security, and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance." Upcoming window displays will include
Survivor Art from the Cocoon Shelter’s domestic violence program and art from inmates of the Wood County
Justice Center – all inspired by the topic of Identity. These are just a few examples of what the Wood
County District Public Library does for our community. And don’t forget the books. We do not want to
return to a time in the past when there were few choices in the new books section. Please vote yes to
renew the library levy.
Alice Calderonello, Todd Childers, Marce Dupay, Linda Katzner, Mary Krueger, Judy Miller, Jacqui Nathan,
Ginny Stewart, Elizabeth Yarris
Wood County Members of the Identity Project Committee

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