To the Editor: Need to end illegal surveillance


I don’t know if the Sentinel will allow this first Amendment right free speech comment to be published
but all Americans need to put increased pressure on their congressmen (via email or letter) to end the
illegal government surveillance of their personal electronic information.
The common excuse for inaction is ‘I have nothing to hide’ but doesn’t that allow the government to
continue their illegal activities? Many think that giving up their Constitutional rights protects them
from ‘terrorists’! The truth is after trying to collect every bit of electronic info, the NSA caught
‘one’ man in California sending money to some foreign group.
We spent billions to catch one man but couldn’t stop the Boston bomber or tract the modern fly by wire
flight 370! Edward Snowden has revealed that privately the NSA seems more interested in foreign
political and economic Espionage. It might be true because they sure don’t catch any terrorists. Every
time the government is challenged to reveal their source/s of information they trot out their inquiry
stopping talking point: ‘it will compromise national security’. Boloney!
The only thing compromised is the truth! Yes all nations spy but not to the extent of the U.S. We live in
a surveillance state and anyone who knows history, knows that terrible things are surely coming. The
president and government has too much power and most of this power needs to be returned to the states.

The president’s power to wage war without declaring war has ruined our individual rights with almost
continuous war whose real purpose might be economic hegemony. Clearly the benefactors of war are
corporations and Wall Street who make billions from death and destruction.
They continue their crimes by scaremongering the public who don’t know any better. A free press is the
only one mention in the Constitution for protection in order to inform the public and act as a watchdog
against government abuse.
I grew up when the media was spread out over hundreds of individual companies. Now 90% of the media is
own by only 6, soon to be 5, mega-corporations. These are monopolies and have all but destroyed the free
press and killed the watchdog. It’s past time to wake up and take your country back and refuse
warmongering lies.
Donald Shomody

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