To the Editor: BG man questions planning for city


Perhaps our long winter and skimpy spring hampered my thinking, but I’m still trying to sort out the
implications of Vision.Plan.B.G. ("What should BG look like in 20 years?"). There are some
interesting ideas there, and-despite the loaded survey questions accompanying them-those ideas raise (as
good ideas should) still more questions For example:
(1) Who are the most important stakeholders in this plan for downtown and part of the East Side? Who will
benefit the most, and when? Will anyone be disadvantaged by any of these proposals?
(2) The Vision.Plan.B.G. concerns itself with the downtown and parts of the northeast and southeast
quadrants. What about the rest of the city?
(3) (This for the BGSU community, the media, and others): Where are the thoughtful voices of critical
thinkers in the community, as well as our local political scientists, economists, sociologists, and
historians, among others? Why don’t we see more civic engagement in the public square? Are our profs
just too busy?
Just asking.
James Bissland
Bowling Green

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