Making room for new McDonald’s (04-12-14)

John Klumm, of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, watches as an excavator demolishes the
McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street on Wednesday. The chain is rebuilding and will have a new
restaurant open in June. The East Wooster Street McDonald’s is still open. (Photos: Enoch
Wu/Sentinel-Tribune) SEE
John Klumm of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, pulls out copper piping as demolition
begins on McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April 9,
Bill Reaster of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, watches as an excavator demolishes
the McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April 11,
John Klumm of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, look on as demolition begins on
McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April 9, 2014.
McDonald’s employees and passersby gather to watch the demolition of the McDonald’s Restaurant
on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April 9, 2014. The 1970 built restaurant is
being demolished to make way for a more modern structure to accomodate customers.
John Klumm (left) and Bill Reaster (right) of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, watches
as an excavator demolishes the McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio,
Wednesday, April 11, 2014.
Passerby Nicole Benschoter, checks her phone after taking photos of the McDonald’s Restaurant
on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April 11, 2014.
John Klumm, of Klumm Brothers Excavating and Demolition, carries a broom near debris from the
demolition of the McDonald’s Restaurant on South Main Street in Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, April
11, 2014.

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