Hospital focused on serving the community


This past year, Wood County Hospital celebrated over 70 years of serving the community. 2021 gave many options to expand through new services, new providers and prevention.

Like 2020, the coronavirus was the most significant focus for healthcare during the year. The hospital continued to team up with its community partners to fight the pandemic in the most effective way available by administering over 18,000 COVID vaccines in weekly clinics on and off-site.

WCH focused internally by expanding and growing employee wellness — mentally and physically — through programs and services offered by the Wellness department. In turn, WCH was recognized with the Healthy Workplace award, receiving platinum for the first time.

The hospital began implementing its partnership with the Toledo Clinic, called Independence Health, to directly supply services to the employer community through programs to engage employees and improve overall health and well being. Additionally, as a part of this collaboration, Agilon Health serves as a partner to help our primary care providers to produce even better outcomes, better care and better experiences for patients while increasing their own satisfaction in healthcare.

Other community collaborations include a WCH Foundation investment of $100,000 in the new Bowling Green State University nursing simulation lab with the most advanced learning environment for BGSU nursing students.

A partnership with Nationwide Children’s to offer an expanded level of expertise and resources in pediatric medicine and psychology. WCH providers receive advanced education and training, as well as direct consultation with pediatric specialists at Nationwide Children’s. The Emergency Department has immediate direct access to Nationwide specialists so WCH physicians can best care for pediatric patients.

(This article was provided by Wood County Hospital.)

This past year The Pain Center was expanded to the Pain and Spine Center offering a collaboration between specialists to administer the latest techniques and treatments to relieve back pain. This comprehensive model is a one-stop shop for pain and spine. The new program has pain management experts who will provide personalized care coordination along with physical therapists, surgical specialists, radiologists, mental health professionals, psychologists, chiropractors and dietitians – each specialize in spine disorders and injuries to restore maximum function to those with back pain.

Dr. Lawrence Monger became the new medical director of the Falcon Health Center. Also, the Center welcomed new Primary Care Physician Peter Nguyen. Both these physicians bring new experience and specialties to our primary care center. They also offer their services at an office in Perrysburg.

Chiropractor Jacob Brandman has joined the team at Falcon Health Center expanding chiropractic services to five days a week. Dr. Brandman specializes in musculoskeletal/sports-related injuries, soft tissue therapies, spine and extremity adjustments and exercises and stretches to improve overall function and range of motion

The Center for Weight Loss Surgery began offering a medical weight loss program to provide patients with an alternative to surgery. Dr. Peter Lalor is now double board certified and has a team of experts that can assist patients through the journey of weight loss on the path they choose.

Wood County Hospital purchased technology to offer robotic personalized joint replacement. The VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution helps surgeons perform knee replacement surgery that is tailored to each patient and designed to provide digital precision and accuracy to get patients back on their feet faster.

The Maurer Family Cancer Care Center added innovative technology, with funds from the WCH Foundation, in the form of a specialized radiation table. This technology change offers the most precise targeting of the radiation therapy available. The Center also added a Lung Cancer Nurse Navigator. The navigator works to increase detection and education of lung cancer and works directly with patients to better navigate a lung cancer diagnosis and treatment.

However, the most significant achievement of the hospital this past year has been the consistent delivery of high-quality personal care the community depends on us for. The WCH team shows up each day knowing they make a difference. They are an integral part of fighting illness alongside our patients and community. You can always depend on Wood County Hospital no matter the challenging times.

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