Additional COVID-19 vaccines available for people age 80+ this week


Wood County Health Department has received additional COVID-19 vaccine doses and is partnering with
Meijer to provide 450 additional appointments this week for people age 80 and older.
Scheduling for these appointments will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday and the vaccines will be administered
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at Meijer in Bowling Green. Visit and look for
the scheduling link for Meijer.
Wood County Health Department is continuing to serve people included in Phase1A as Phase 1B distributions
begin. If you believe you are in the 1A category, fill out the form found on the Health Department’s
website. Do not schedule an appointment, as they are intended for the 1B population. If you schedule an
appointment, do not make multiple attempts. Only schedule once for an appointment.
For each group that becomes eligible during Phase 1B, public vaccine appointments will be available
starting on Wednesday of the week they become eligible. A full week of availability will be offered to
groups when they become eligible for the vaccine. For example, those aged 75 and up are eligible for the
vaccine beginning the week of Jan. 25. In Wood County, vaccine appointments for this group will begin
Wednesday, Jan. 27, and the next eligible group will not have appointments available until the next
Wednesday, a full week after the previous week’s service began.
Wood County Health Department is waiting to receive vaccine allocations before scheduling appointments to
ensure no appointments must be canceled due to a vaccine shortage. Wood County Health Department’s
vaccine appointments are being scheduled through the ArmorVax website and app. Other local vaccine
providers are doing their registration and scheduling with their own procedures. Some providers may
allow registration sooner. Please go to to see the current providers that
have vaccine available and find their contact information.
Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone to schedule an appointment, you can call
419-352-8402 and choose option 1. During the initial launch, Wood County Health Department is partnering
with the Wood County Committee on Aging and 2-1-1, who are providing support for vaccination scheduling.

Wood County is serving anyone who is eligible, regardless of their county of residence, as are many
counties. COVID-19 does not stop spreading due to borders, and people who do not live in Wood County may
still attend school or work here.
There have been many changes and new information available to how vaccines are being distributed. Wood
County Health Department will continue to inform our the public as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We are grateful for our community’s understanding and patience as we work together to fight COVID-19.

The mission of Wood County Health Department is to prevent disease, promote healthy lifestyles and
protect the health of everyone in Wood County. Our Community Health Center provides comprehensive
medical services for men, women and children. We welcome all patients, including uninsured or
underinsured clients, regardless of their ability to pay, and we accept most third-party insurance. For
more information, visit

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