Press Latta to answer VA questions


To the Editor:
I received a card in the mail from the American Action Network asking that I call Congressman Bob Latta
and tell him what a wonderful job he was doing.
I called the number and spoke to a representative in his office. The individual never heard of the
committee, nor did he know the card was being mailed with Latta’s picture and name on it. The card
described the evils of Medicare negotiating drug prices. I asked why then are we (cheating) veterans
because the Department of Veterans Affairs does negotiate drug prices to the benefit of veterans.
The Latta representative had no answers but would pass on my concern to Latta. Their ad appeared in the
Sentinel-Tribune (recently), complete with bogeyman pictures of Sen. Bernie Sanders and the evil Speaker
of the House, similar to the earlier threat of “Death Squads” with the ADA.
Call Bob’s office and find out if he knows or supports these people. He didn’t know when I called.
Russ Griggs

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