RESULTS gets results


To the Editor:
Globally, RESULTS advocacy group states that in 2018 in low-income countries 11 children under the age of
5 are dying every minute. That’s 660 kids an hour, 15,840 a day, over 5.7 million children a year dying
of preventable and treatable illnesses such as pneumonia and diarrhea.
This is a problem that should be priority for developed countries around the world such as the United
States. Imagine if over 15000 children were dying each day in the United States from something that
could be treated. There would be national headlines, infuriated citizens calling for action. Like most
problem the world faces big or small there are solutions that can help fix the problem.
RESULTS advocacy group is a non-partisan group that since the 80s has raised billions of dollars to help
tackle global issues such as health, education and economic opportunities. Yes, there is a global child
and maternal health problem that seems big, but it’s fixable. This is an issue that every member of
Congress can back. RESULTS has advocated for the Reach Every Mother and Child Act of 2017. An act, if
made into law can pave the way to help position the United States to continue helping countries around
the world. Children under the age of 5 were dying at an astonishing 12million deaths a year, and now at
5.6million a year today. This number can continue to go down with the help of Congress.
Congress can hold the United States Agency for International Aid accountable. According to RESULTS some
of the things Congress can help with are develop a U.S government strategy to help prevent child death
with clear measurable goals, stretch every dollar to save more lives and continue to scale what has been
proven to work and save lives. With a United States government investment in the REACH act a return of
healthy families and communities around the world will be shown. Preventable deaths will continue to
fall and our children around the world can enjoy the lives they deserve to live.
Vic Massaquoi
Bowling Green

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