House must impeach Trump


To the Editor,
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has said that she does not think that Donald Trump is worth impeaching
— which is an euphemism for “the House will impeach, but the Senate won’t convict.”
However, Trump and his followers are now threatening armed insurrection against the country if Trump is
impeached or fails to win re-election. (And we all know that once Trump is out of office, he will most
likely be in jail for his various crimes.) Such threats amount to treason.
While everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, threatening armed insurrection against the country is not
tolerable. Trump must be impeached now by the House, and we will see whether the Senate Republicans will
tolerate treason as they suck up to POTUS or whether they will act to preserve our republic and convict
POTUS as he so richly deserves. Failure to convict would amount to Republican tolerance of treason — so
long as the treason is done by a Republican. Trump is following Hitler’s path to achieve and hold on to
power, and deserves to be impeached.
For hose who blindly follow Trump, remember that you are paying higher taxes to cover the big tax cuts
that Trump gave his Big Business buddies — and that includes the big tax cuts that former Gov. John
Kasich gave to Ohio businesses and Gov. Mike DeWine is not rescinding. Hence the higher gas taxes we
will be paying.
Also, there is no credible climate scientist of whom I know that does not believe that the terrible
weather we have been having is not related to climate change. The increased energy in the large bodies
of water fuel greater storms and tornadoes and interfere with the jet stream to let polar air strike
much further south than usual.
The failure to accept climate change is directly related to the amount of special interest money with
which the Republicans fill their pockets, while leaving the rest of us to endure the consequences.
The same can be said for Trump’s invention of the “national emergency” at our southern border, except
that in this case the radical right, which is composed of White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis and the KKK,
feels embolden by Trump’s fervent — hysterical — rhetoric and has massacred innocents both here and
Is it not time to say enough is enough?
W.E. Feeman Jr. MD
Bowling Green

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