Ewers will be next superintendent of Penta Career Center

PERRYSBURG — The Penta Career Center Board of Education, at its Wednesday meeting, hired Edward Ewers as
its next superintendent beginning Aug. 1, 2020.
Ewers joined Penta as assistant superintendent in January 2015. The assistant superintendent’s post was
new at that time.
Prior to Penta, he served as the superintendent at Edon Northwest Local Schools 2011-14, principal at
Montpelier Exempted Village Schools 2000-11, and high school social studies teacher and coach from
Ewers said Thursday when he joined Penta, the board hoped he would some day take over.
“I don’t think that was something I came to Penta with the notion that would be the next step.”
He added that he is deeply honored to be the next leader at Penta.
“It’s satisfying to know the board has confidence I can fill the role,” Ewers said.
He said his goal is to be responsible as a leader and good partner to the 16 school districts Penta
“A priority of mine will be to find ways to be a good partner.”
Ewers also will continue the focus on workforce development.
“That is a priority to think about and put systems in place to fulfill that responsibility.”
As assistant superintendent, his duties were primarily in human resources. Ewers has taken on more
responsibility since joining the vocational school.
“I think because of the working relationship with Ron, I have taken on more of the day-to-day
Ewers added that his previous experience as superintendent has prepared him for some of the routine jobs
at Penta.
“Penta is a special place, there is such thing as the ‘Penta Way,’” he said, “and Ron has helped me learn
Ewers who was given a three-year contract. His current salary is $119,273. When he becomes
superintendent, that will rise to $145,000. He will become the sixth Penta superintendent since the
school opened in 1965.
He will succeed Ronald Matter who has served as superintendent since 2009. He joined Penta in 2005.
Matter retired and was rehired in 2015 and was given a contract through 2018. His contract then was
extended for two years.
He is out of state and could not be reached for comment.
He will retire July 31, 2020. Ewers will continue in his current capacity of assistant superintendent
until that time.
Penta is a career-technical high school that serves students from 16 school districts in Northwest Ohio.