Bike path plans roll in BG

A path for bikes and pedestrians may become a reality on the city’s south side, while a plan for another
path on the north side of town is closer to coming to fruition.
The potential for the path on the south side was announced Monday during a joint meeting of Bowling Green
City Council’s Transportation and Safety Committee, and the Bicycle Safety Commission.
“There is a plan in progress on South Main Street,” Municipal Administrator Lori Tretter said.
The committee and the commission have held periodic meetings to discuss bicycle infrastructure and
complete streets issues. The two bodies last met in September.
During Monday’s meeting, Tretter said that Public Works Director Brian Craft, as well as staff in the
engineering and public works departments, have been working with the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of
Governments and its Transportation Improvement Program Committee on a plan to repave South Main Street.

As a part of that plan, Tretter said, they are looking at the installation of a bicycle/pedestrian path
along the west side of South Main, stretching from Napoleon Road to Gypsy Lane Road.
However, if the path does go forward, it wouldn’t be in place for several years.
“Those details are still being developed. That is in 2024,” Tretter said.
“So we are excited to see that develop over the next couple of years,” Tretter said. “I do know that it
is out there and it is looking like more and more” that the path will become a reality.
Tretter also said that there is movement on another potential path in the city.
She said that a suggested council priority is to work on a plan for a trail that would reach to the
city’s community center on Newton Road, on the north side of town. That was brought up by brought up by
Councilman Greg Robinette, who is a member of the transportation and safety committee, and is also a
project suggested by the commission.
“We are working on a proposal for consideration as well for that,” Tretter said, noting later that “as
one of council’s goals, we hope to have the plan together this year.”
Robinette said that path is important.
“We’ve got to connect the rest of the city to the community center,” he said. “Then we can build from
Discussion at the meeting also centered on a report listing a series of recommendations from the Bicycle
Safety Commission. A story will appear later this week.