Elmwood delegation enjoys convention


The Elmwood FFA Chapter attended the 91st National FFA Convention and Expo in October. Members who
attended were seniors Claire Meyer, Joe Laborie, Jordan Noftz, and Thomas Bodnar, Noah Meyers and
juniors Zach George, Anthony Wise and Savanna Walter
The trip began with a tour of Anderson Tractor Supply in Bluffton. Students were able to walk through all
eight of their supply buildings that house new and used tractor parts from all makes and models. The
members were also able to get a deeper look into the business aspect of buying and selling new and used
parts at this family company.
The chapter attended the convention sessions as well as visited the career show where colleges and
companies set up booths that allow all members of the FFA to gain insight into the college or job.
Members also went to Theobald Farms, a local family farm in the Indianapolis area. They farm more than
6,000 acres and grow a special variety of corn known as “waxy.” They also have two, two-wheel drive
pulling trucks that they bring to the National Tractor Pulling Championships in Bowling Green each
summer. Members also heard the retiring address of the National FFA Secretary Erica Baier.
Four Elmwood FFA members received their American FFA Degrees. They were Luke Hagemeyer, Kendra Stewart,
Mitchell Wonderly and Noah Fouty.

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