Way Library to feature program on aging


PERRYSBURG — Way Library presents “Aging Is a Process,” an educational program on planning for the
future, at 2 p.m. Monday.
Everyone experiences predictable, natural changes as they age, as well as unanticipated ones. It is wise
to prepare for all stages of life, but especially for the senior years when people begin to slow down.

Seniors and caregivers of seniors are invited to join Joyce Frank Oravecz for a time of sharing concerns
and planning for the future. Those attending can explore some of the options and care available to
people as they age, and learn to navigate their way through those choices.
Oravecz has a gerontological certificate from Lourdes University and brings more than a decade of
experience sharing her passion for the aging population.
The free program is made possible by the Way Public Library Foundation & Friends.
It is open to the public and refreshments will be served. The library is located at 101 E. Indiana Ave.,

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