Regal site achieves elite ranking


The Marathon Special Products team has achieved the elite Performance Excellence One Star Certification
This is only the 15th Regal site to achieve the top ranking.
“This significant milestone was achieved through the hard work and dedication of the facility’s 173 team
members, through engagement at every level in the facility and through the leadership of plant manager
Brian Mich and the vice president and general manager Bret Danks,” a news release from the company
Danks told the Sentinel-Tribune, “We have been here for 51 years. The Performance Excellence Program Star
rating system is a way to look at the foundation elements for performance at a world-class level
focusing on its on time delivery and quality.
The second-shift staff will have a brief celebration this afternoon, with third-shift staff being
recognized on Tuesday morning. The large recognition will be held just prior to the noon celebration
meal on Tuesday.

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