Electoral College is what counts


To the Editor:
The Electoral College is designed that one element of society cannot dictate how all of us may live. The
heavily populated cities cannot outweigh the small cities and rural areas, thus the states have the vote
of the Electoral College to balance the country. It’s a brilliant decision by our forefathers. I am
upset that our educational system is not teaching more of American history and government.
Finally, a new president! Eight years ago, when Obama was first elected after only being a community
organizer and a short time in Congress, I felt disappointed but willing to give him a chance. Then the
shock of the stimulus for banks and the car industry happened. The country already had a large war debt.
More expense for us with illegal people pouring in the south border, and United States laws are not
being enforced. He announced to the world and abandoned Iraq. Syria’s red line was ignored. Welfare
expense has increased. More unemployment and health care costs have risen. Terrorist networks erupted
everywhere. Our police are not being respected.
The media helped Obama hide and lie about the Bengazi mess that happened just 60 days before the second
election. The gun-running Mexico operation, the IRS targeting, the mistreatment of our precious veterans
and other corruption came to our attention afterward. When his re-election came, I felt surely, people
would wise up and elect Romney. It didn’t happen. Of course, now, is the Hillary mess.
I was not very supportive of Trump at first. I had been in the business world for 37 years. Slowly, I
decided that some of the rough talking of Trump is sometimes what people need to hear. He has backbone.
I pray he will continue to be the bulldog and clean the swamp. I admire him to tackle the presidency
job. It seems the Democrats do not want to help the people and economize this country. Practical horse
sense and education of government is lacking. I ask that all of us pull ourselves up by the bootstraps,
put on our big boy pants and support Donald Trump and Mike Pence. USA can be a great country again.
Carlene Creps
Bowling Green

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