Top organist to appear at Zoar Lutheran


PERRYSBURG — Zoar Lutheran Church in Perrysburg will host nationally renowned conductor, composer and
organist David Cherwien on Feb. 12 at 4 p.m.
Cherwien will lead an interactive Hymn Sing Festival to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Zoar’s Chancel choir will join Cherwien in an uplifting exploration of Christian vocation presented in
music and spoken word.
“We are delighted to welcome David Cherwien, a rock star of liturgical music known nationally for his
inspirational hymn festivals,” said Zoar’s Director of Music, Omaldo Perez.
“Cherwien is a master at blending piano, organ and voice across a variety of hymn styles. We are thrilled
to introduce Northwest Ohio to his incredible gifts — participants will truly be transported.”
In addition to his duties as cantor at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Cherwien is the
artistic director of the National Lutheran Choir and editor of the National Lutheran Choir Series of
Choral Music, published by Morningstar Music. Cherwien has served as National President of the
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, of which he is a founding member.
In 2007 Cherwien won the Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition for “The Souls of the
Established by William and Nancy Raabe of Columbus, the prize recognizes significant accomplishments and
contributions to sacred music in the Lutheran heritage.
Cherwien drew on multiple texts, including the epitaph on the tomb of Mark Twain’s daughter, for the
composition — an outstanding example of the creative spirit he brings to his work.
Cherwien holds a doctorate in Organ Performance and a master’s in Theory and Composition from the
University of Minnesota. He received his bachelor’s degree from Augsburg College in Minneapolis, which
recognized him in 2000 as a Distinguished Alumnus.
Cherwien has also studied organ performance, conducting and composition at the Berlin Church Music
He is a member of the American Guild of Organists, the American Choral Director’s Association, the
Choristers Guild and Chorus America.
“This is a rare opportunity to meet a true master — whether you are an aficionado of the organ, lover of
sacred choral music, or just like to hum along to your favorite hymn, this event is not to be missed,”
said Zoar’s Worship and Music Chair, Melissa Miller.
Cherwien’s appearance is part of Zoar’s Music With a Mission concert series. Proceeds from a free-will
offering will support the development of clean water wells in Haiti through Mission International, based
in Perrysburg.
The public is also invited to a reception following the Hymn Sing that will feature a light supper of
soup and salad in Zoar’s Family Life Center. Zoar Lutheran Church is located at 314 East Indiana Ave
Zoar’s Music With a Mission concert series is rooted in the church’s broader set of mission programs, all
firmly focused on helping those in need. A portion of the church budget is dedicated to mission in the
Perrysburg community and the world.
Among Zoar’s mission endeavors are programs providing food to those in need, world disaster relief,
education on social issues and outreach support through the ELCA helping people in need worldwide.
Through its covenant with Redeemer Lutheran in Toledo, ministers and members share leadership,
fellowship, events, and funding.
Zoar also partners with many other churches in supporting Lutheran Homes Society, Lutheran Social
Services of Northwest Ohio and the Luther Home of Mercy.

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