Remeis named Realtor of the Year, assumes presidency of group


At Thursday’s meeting of the Toledo Regional Association of Realtors, Mark Remeis of A.A. Green Realty
Inc. was named the association’s Realtor of the Year. He also was sworn in as president of the
Neither distinction was a surprise for the Bowling Green real estate agent, as he learned of being chosen
as Realtor of the Year at the December meeting and has been preparing for his succession to the
presidency since being elected as treasurer for 2015.
“Quite frankly, it is an incredible honor,” Remeis said of the award. “I still don’t have the words to
express how honored I am that my peers recognized me for my service to our association. To me, this
award embodies everything that we should stand for as Realtors.”
He explained the award is based on several factors that document someone’s credentials. Points are
awarded based on those criteria.
“Those criteria cover a person’s activity in sales and also activity in serving in the industry. That
includes things you do at the state and national level as well. The third aspect is points given for
your service to the community,” he said.
All kinds of service is included, such as work with schools, churches, civic organizations and Bowling
Green State University, and serving on boards.
“It’s definitely not a one-dimensional award,” he said.
After the points are totaled, the ultimate decision is placed with a committee that includes both real
estate agents and people outside the industry.
Remeis received a similar award for 2013 from the Wood County Board of Realtors before it merged with the
Toledo group.
“I am extremely proud of his accomplishments. He has worked very hard,” said his wife and fellow real
estate agent, Michelle Remeis.
After the merger, it was not long before the larger association showed its approval for him as he was
elected as treasurer. Such election sets up an automatic progression to the presidency. After a year as
treasurer, the member then serves a year as president-elect, before taking on role as president.
“The nice thing, I was approached to run for treasurer. They told me they would like to have someone from
Wood County to run.”
He added, “It was a great way for the Toledo board to say the Toledo board was welcoming the Wood County
The new president said, “I’m excited to work on some of the association’s goals and my vision for what
I’d like to see happen in 2017.”
He announced at Thursday’s meeting that he plans to work on three specific themes — agent engagement,
outreach and investment.
“I’m really excited to work on those three things and continue the work on what last year’s president and
the association did in 2016,” he said.
On his role as president, Michelle Remeis said, “He’ll do an excellent job. He’s a hard worker and
conscientious. He is always striving to do his best and the board is fortunate to have him. He will be a
very good president.”

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