Volunteers sought to plant, tend downtown flowers


Downtown Bowling Green is seeking green thumbed volunteers to help plant and maintain this year’s
downtown flowers.  The planting date is set for Tuesday and volunteers, including members of the BGSU
University Women’s Garden Group, will gather in Grounds for Thought at 8:30 a.m. for instructions and
location assignments before spreading splashes of summer color through the downtown.  The following day,
Wednesday, is being held as a backup day in case of bad weather on Tuesday.
The floral design by Wolf’s Blooms and Berries features a mix of coleus, begonias, and supertunias, along
with mezoo and potato vine.  Vibrant reds and greens are the dominant colors, accented by shades of
purple on the variegated coleus and in the grasses and vines.
Once the plants are in, Downtown BG relies on volunteers to help maintain them by donating about an hour
a month for weeding and pruning.  Community members and groups are invited to adopt sections of the
downtown for plant maintenance.
Each year, it costs about $13,000 to plant and maintain the downtown flowers.  Thanks to the generosity
of local artists and raffle participants, we raised $500 at the recent Art Walk.  Community members can
support the downtown flowers by designating The Downtown Foundation as the recipient of their Community
Rewards points at Kroger.  To designate the Downtown Foundation as your Community Rewards beneficiary
visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com  and enter nonprofit organization number 33901 when prompted. 
Community Rewards points do not affect fuel points or customer discounts.
Tax deductible cash donations for the flowers can be made to the Downtown Foundation.
For more information, to donate, or to volunteer, contact the Downtown Bowling Green office at
419-354-4332 or [email protected].

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