Duckro goes all virtual with latest mystery novel


Former BGHS teacher and current writer of mystery books, Rebecca S. Duckro (Becky), has found happiness
and success with KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). She has published three books of her Kate Guesswine
series and it has been a journey from paper pages to electronic images.
The first book of the series, "The Last Coffin," was produced with the traditional Writers’
Club Press, where she worked with an editor and had some sales success. However, this former leader in
educational technology found herself drawn to the emerging world of  e-books. "It levels the
playing field for the little guy."
The just released "Sleeping with the Corpse" is e-book all the way. A March 12 Facebook posting
explains her enthusiasm: "Thanks everyone for supporting my writing these past years! I want you to
know that my recent ‘move’ to Amazon e-books has been worthwhile thanks to all of you Kate Guesswine
fans from Canada, Great Britain (super support), Denmark, Italy, Australia, France, Japan and, of
course, the United States! I can’t believe my books are doing so well in so many foreign countries! At
Amazon I’ve sold hundreds of books these past couple of months, but more importantly, over 3000 readers
downloaded The Last Coffin when I gave it free for two days! It is a great feeling to know that so many
readers now have access to my books without going bankrupt! By the way, many of you who are Amazon Prime
members are able to borrow my books at no cost to you (I still receive a royalty). And if you don’t have
a Kindle e-reader, you can go to Amazon, set up an account, get my books, get the Kindle app from Amazon
– they will offer it to you – and the book will be delivered to your iPad, tablet, or computer. Easy to
do. Technology is magic!
"Update: Some of you have e-mailed regarding my 4th Kate Guesswine mystery, Road Kill! I’m
researching and writing it now! Get ready for murder and mayhem on the Blue Ridge Parkway! I appreciate
you all!"
Rebecca S. Duckro was born in Sydney but her educational and professional life has been lived in Bowling
Green.  Majoring and minoring in English, history and the social sciences she earned Bachelor’s and
Master’s degrees from BGSU. At Bowling Green High School she taught English, chaired the English
Department, coordinated technology, was named Teacher of the Year and participated, faithfully and
actively, in The Writer’s Workshop Program. "Those were fun years."
Retirement meant a move to South Carolina, a new passion for mobile-home living and time to write.
(See DUCKRO on 7)
the large rice plantations and had minimal contact with the surrounding white culture. Both elements were
woven into the first Kate Guesswine mystery/adventure book.
"The Last Coffin" introduces Kate as the elected Attorney General of South Carolina.  Kate
juggles a remarkable number of problems ranging from a serial-killer out to  get her, a strangely moody
domestic partner, an awful lot of home properties, and a wildly dysfunctional family.
The third Kate Guesswine book "Sleeping with the Corpse" is out on Amazon and things have
changed. Attorney General Kate Guesswine is operating, as a consultant on loan, in Florida. The focus is
on the Clearwater Beach area. Kate seems to be clear of (or is she?or isn’t she?) of her rather
irritating partner.  
Her best friend, FBI Agent Drew Greer is again a whirlwind part of the action.
The mystery, action and dastardly deeds are centered on the illegal art market of forgeries and false
provenance, including the chaos created by the recent looting of the Baghdad Museum. Lots of bodies and
atmospheric moments pile up. Duckro does have great fun with names. Who would harm or suspect evil of
someone named Graydon Simonds or Bernard Benoitt or a Madam Montecour?
Duckro wrote her first novel at 16. Recently unearthed and reread she judged it not bad for an
adolescent. Currently living in Hendersonville, North Carolina, she is again using the features and
history of the region in her next e-book. Researching story details, writing her tales and finding new
readers give this former writing teacher equal pleasure.

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