Power of Bible and parables self-evident


To the Editor:
"Jesus Is Everyone’s Equal Opportunity Creator".
The power in the written words and parables in the Bible is self-evident. Approximately 2000 years after
the creator of our universe came to Earth as Jesus and lived among us setting a "divine
example" for everyone to follow, there are churches and congregations of people around the world
studying and proclaiming the goodness and Godliness in the good book.
While He lived among us, Jesus said "children will be as children". All human beings on the
planet Earth are children of God, and should learn to follow Jesus’s example in order to please God and
become as good and Godly as possible. If everyone on the planet Earth would do this, wars and rumors of
war would eventually become ancient history and lessons to learn from.
Future generations could enjoy freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness safely without having
to build as much weaponry as possible for self-defense just to survive foreign aggressive nations.
Jesus was able to see beyond the aggressiveness imbedded in the minds of violent people, which is exactly
what we would expect, because Jesus is God. Why Jesus was so terrifically Godly, He said about the crowd
that wanted Him nailed to the cross on Good Friday, "forgive them for they know not what they
Steven J. Haslinger

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