BG man wants more than retreads in presidential election


To the Editor:
When I think of the Presidential election coming up in 2016, I see only dynasties and retreads. The
dynasties refer to the Bush and Clinton families. Barbara Bush, wife of the first Bush President, has
said that there should not be another Bush running for President. The Clinton dynasty has not been as
pervasive as the Bush one, yet now it means Hillary who has already once been a candidate for President.
Like Huckabee, Rand Paul, etc., they are retreads. One retread, Mitt Romney, has now decided not to run.

I would like to see new faces in the running – such as Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Rob Portman.
The first two are great advocates for the middle class and the poor; the third has become increasingly
like an Eisenhower moderate. The GOP must reject such upstarts as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who
associate themselves strongly with Tea Party (rightist) Republicans; then, Governor Christie of New
Jersey, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana should be denied nomination because
their agendas sound too conservative for any kind of progress. Without new faces, I predict political
platforms that will do nothing to restore badly needed income equality once again in our country.
In November 2014, many Americans voted in a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, not
acknowledging that these majorities will not make strong efforts to restore appropriate earning levels
for the middle and lower classes. The Republican’s first piece of significant legislation should have
been to increase minimum wages to at least $10.10 an hour, which President Obama has proposed.  Instead,
they have focused on the approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thinking that it will increase jobs
significantly; their arguments for job creation are usually specious because their typical thinking is
associated with"trickle-down" economic theories that have not worked. The pipeline venture is
predicted to pollute the environment. So, what can Americans expect from retreads and extremists?
Wally Pretzer
Bowling Green

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