Guns in schools don’t add up to safer children


To the Editor:
To the Lake School District: What are you thinking?
The last thing our schools need is for the staff to start packing guns.
If you insist on following this course of action here are some suggestions:
1. Any staff wanting to carry guns should undergo rigorous psychological testing to determine their
suitability to do this.
2. Staff carrying guns should also go through training in conflict resolution. This should entail weeks
or months of training and monthly review and testing so that conflict resolution is a first choice. This
is to ensure that guns are not turned on unruly students. If you don’t think this is necessary Google
the school to prison pipeline.
3. Staff carrying guns should undergo detailed training in their use, including months of training
similar to military training. Testing in simulated terrorist situations should be required. Constant
monthly training sessions and testing to maintain proficiency. Anyone with a substandard proficiency
rating should be barred from carrying a gun into schools.
4. Parents should know if staff are carrying guns and who these people are.
5. Parents should be allowed to transfer their children along with any federal, state and local monies
associated with each student, to districts that do not allow staff to carry guns, no questions asked.

I don’t know about other people, but if I had a child, I would not want her in a school where the staff
were armed with guns.
Celia Jane

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