‘Big Bang’ proves existence of God


To the Editor:
Recent evidence confirms that 15 billion years ago  the ‘Big Bang’ occurred and our universe expanded
from a size of zero matter, energy and light to a nearly infinite amount of matter, energy and light in
just a split second. Scientist confirm that the only way our universe could convert from nothing but a
location in space with no matter, to the amount of matter that’s currently in our universe,
instantaneously, is by means of a very intelligent creator with more power than what’s in the entire
According to scientists, the sun uses approximately 1 percent of its current mass every 3 billion years,
and will because of its huge size, last for another 5 billion years or more. Consequently mankind must
take whatever steps that are necessary to insure that the planet Earth remains a safe place for all of
its inhabitants as well as future inhabitants.
As it is written, "one day mankind will turn words into plowshares." This is why the "Cold
War," with the former USSR came to an end. A nuclear war would serve no purpose, it would only
cause a global "nuclear winter" and render our planet uninhabitable. There is a much more
important use we need to obtain, with our nuclear facilities. Approximately every 500 million years, an
asteroid will get on a collision course with Earth. Consequently it is important that mankind design a
nuclear powered robot or robots to attach to any asteroid that might become headed in our direction.
Probably within the next 1,000 years scientists will design robots that can attach to all large
asteroids in the asteroid belt to keep our planet safe so it can last for billions of years, as it is
designed to do.
Steven J. Haslinger

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