Schools should join ‘real world’ and not close for weather


To the Editor:
The company I work for has 60+ people who work first shift and have come to work every day schools have
closed this past week. They had to balance where their kids need to go at the last minute for 2 hour
delays and total closing. Those who make these decisions need to join the Real World and have the
teachers report to work and allow parents to drop their children off at the school for some form of
education/baby-sitting day care. Any parent who does not want the service, will have an excused absence
for the child or sign a release for transportation. This will allow parents to go to work and pay for
their 38 million schools and 575 thousand upper level skybox offices being wasted with their secret
locations and plans. Cradle to grave education people sit in front of their fireplace hoping for more
snow days with their recent invention called "wind chill" to scare the poop out of parents.
How do areas like my hometown in Upper Michigan survive going to school in far worst weather than NW
Ohio. The education upper class need a reality check as the closings and 2 hour delays eliminated (with
the exception of Level 3) allowing parents to work and pay taxes. They need to remember who works for
whom and it is not about the "kids" but their selfish time off entitlements. At least use the
snow days for their precious coffee clutch in-service days if not day care. Parents should not be
penalized and waiting 10 minutes for a bus is no different than those sledding, ice skating, or playing
outside when schools close. There is an invention called coats, mittens, and hats that work for bus
waiting and playing. The parents own the children and the schools and should be the ones who decide if
their child goes to school or not. Forget about the "Me Too  Syndrome" – learn to make
decisions in the best interest of education and our tax money. They use up snow days like they use up
any amount of tax money we provide every year so they can ask for more.  
Phil Caron

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