New Year’s baby arrives at Wood County Hospital


The first baby to be born in Wood County for 2015 took her time in arriving as Feliciana Alyshia Flores
came into the world at 1:39 a.m. Tuesday, just into the sixth day of the year.
Born to Felisha Flores, 24, of Weston, the little girl weighed in at six pounds, four ounces, and
measured 19 inches.
This is the first child for Flores, who had no idea she might have the first baby of the year.
"I’m just happy she’s out," the new mother said as the baby lay comfortably in her arms.
"It was a little painful but everything went cool, it was all OK."
She said she knew she was having a girl since she was about six weeks pregnant. The source for that
information was her own mother with whom she shares the home.
"She has a way of telling what the baby’s going to be," she said. "It’s a Mexican
The baby’s grandmother was right, which was confirmed by doctors prior to Feliciana’s birth.
Maribel Flores, the grandmother, and her daughter both explained how she holds a gold chain over the
pregnant mother’s belly. If the chain swings horizontally, it will be a boy, or as in this case, if the
chain swings vertically it will be a girl.
"I’ve been right every time." Maribel Flores boasts, noting Feliciana is her ninth grandchild.
"But it has to be a gold chain."
The grandmother said she learned of the technique as a young child watching a Mexican soap opera.

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