To the Editor: BG student volunteers praised


During the past month I have had the opportunity to watch two very impressive groups of high
school students in roles of public service and I think they should be recognized.On Oct. 11, the PTO at
Conneaut Elementary held our annual Ice Cream Social. We depend on volunteers to make the event a success,
and this year, it was our pleasure to have members of the BGHS Key Club volunteer to run many of the
carnival games. The students gave up a large part of their Friday night to help us ensure the success of the
event. They were responsible, patient, and polite, and really worked to make sure the kids had a great
time.Last week, my daughter participated in a cheerleading clinic led by the BGHS cheerleaders. The clinic
featured two nights of instruction, and the opportunity to cheer and perform at last Friday night’s football
game. Once again, the students did a great job of communicating with the kids, interacting with patience and
caring and making sure the girls participating had fun in learning while also looking out for each
participant’s safety.My daughter came away inspired, and can’t wait for next year’s clinic! I am grateful to
both of these student organizations for the contribution they make to our community and the example of
service they set for my daughter and all younger students. Their advisors also deserve much credit for
taking the time to provide guidance to these groups, and setting a high standard for leadership and service
for their students. These students, all students who participate in extra-curricular clubs and activities
are not only developing key leadership talents and abilities for their successful future, but serve an
important role as ambassadors to our community and role models for their peers, younger students, and, many
times, for those of us who are older and need to be reminded occasionally of the importance of giving of
ourselves for the good of others.Steven W. KnapeBowling Green

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