Teen Court is accepting applications to help juveniles


Teen Court is an innovative alternative to traditional juvenile court proceedings for
first-time nonviolent offenders. It is designed to promote values of justice, fairness, and safety in
the lives of adolescents.The program is designed to help other teens accept responsibility for their
actions and holds them accountable for their behavior. In addition, Teen Court seeks to provide youth
with better decision making skills to avoid further contact with the juvenile court system.The court
consists of selected teens from all over Wood County. Teen Court consists of a teen prosecutor, teen
defense, jury members and jury foreman, with an adult hearing officer presiding.Representatives from the
Wood County Prosecutor’s Office will be choosing individuals from Wood County to serve as members of the
Teen Court.Applications are currently available and can be obtained by visiting
www.woodcountyprosecutor.org and clicking the CYCLE DIVISION and Teen Court tabs, or by calling Brandy
Hartman at (419) 354-9250. The CYCLE Division is named for "cooperating with youth, community, and
law enforcement."Applications for the upcoming "2013 Summer/Fall Term" are due to the
Wood County Prosecutor’s Office on Friday.

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