Bloomdale park benefits from Eagle Scout project

Andrew Nye sits on a renovated bench in the Bloomdale town park. As part of his Eagle Scout
project Andrew organized and led the effort to renovate the park. (Photo: Shane

BLOOMDALE – Kids enjoying the
repainted playground equipment and new basketball hoops at the village park can thank a 16-year-old Boy
Scout.Andrew Nye made the park improvements for his Eagle Scout project. His court of honor ceremony was
held April 20.His Eagle Scout project took place at Rail Road Park. Andrew and his team repainted the
playground equipment and hung two new basketball backboards with new rims and nets. They also built a park
bench out of Sassafras wood to provide more seating. Andrew also freshened up a pavilion and fencing with
new paint.He has been involved in scouts for seven years. In 2008, Andrew joined the Bloomdale Troop 337.The
sophomore at Elmwood High School is the son of Dave and Shawna Nye of Bloomdale. Andrew is a member of the
Elmwood High School Marching Band, where he is on the drum line. He also participates in track.He has been
on staff for the National Youth Leadership Training for two years. This year he is assistant senior patrol
leader.His scoutmaster is Jay Hahn.Andrew hopes to attend Ohio State University and wants to audition for
the OSU Marching Band and its drum line. His goal is to become a nephrologist, a kidney doctor.

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