BG Lions Club helps Salvation Army with its food baskets


The Bowling Green Evening Lions Club continued its 41-year tradition of providing food baskets during the
holidays by helping the Salvation Army this year with their Thanksgiving Baskets.
The club donated $2,000 towards purchase of the food and participated in the bagging and distribution of
the baskets to 286 local families this past week. The club strives to return a major portion of the
funds raised locally to area families and organizations.The Bowling Green Evening Lions Club continued
its 41-year tradition of providing food baskets during the holidays by helping the Salvation Army this
year with their Thanksgiving Baskets.
The club donated $2,000 towards purchase of the food and participated in the bagging and distribution of
the baskets to 286 local families this past week. The club strives to return a major portion of the
funds raised locally to area families and organizations.

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