Vote set on Ohio proposal urging campus tobacco bans


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio higher education officials are
nearing a vote urging the state’s public campuses to ban use of all
tobacco products both indoors and outdoors.
That would include Ohio State, one of the nation’s largest universities, which
currently bans only indoor smoking.
Ohio Board of Regents plans its vote Monday. Officials from the
Cleveland Clinic and the state Department of Health plan to discuss the
tobacco-free resolution beforehand.
Bans on the use, advertising
and sales of tobacco in all its forms are being enacted or considered at
perhaps half of campuses nationwide, sometimes over the objections of
student smokers, staff and faculty.
The group Americans for
Nonsmokers’ Rights says tobacco bans on public and private campuses have
risen from virtually zero a decade ago to 711 today.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio higher education officials are
nearing a vote urging the state’s public campuses to ban use of all
tobacco products both indoors and outdoors.
That would include Ohio State, one of the nation’s largest universities, which
currently bans only indoor smoking.
Ohio Board of Regents plans its vote Monday. Officials from the
Cleveland Clinic and the state Department of Health plan to discuss the
tobacco-free resolution beforehand.
Bans on the use, advertising
and sales of tobacco in all its forms are being enacted or considered at
perhaps half of campuses nationwide, sometimes over the objections of
student smokers, staff and faculty.
The group Americans for
Nonsmokers’ Rights says tobacco bans on public and private campuses have
risen from virtually zero a decade ago to 711 today.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

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