Organizations: Pemberville Legion Auxiliary (03-23-12)


PEMBERVILLE – President Gwen Schroeder-Zulch opened the unit’s March 7 meeting with
11 members present.
The unit voted to be a green ribbon sponsor to the Pemberville Fair by having a
full-page ad in the fair book.
The auxiliary unit and SAL members are working together at fish fries tonight, March
23, and April 6, which are open to the public. The women are asked to donate
pies to be sold at the event.
Buckeye Girls State interviews were conducted March 22. A donation to the Buckeye
Girls Endow-ment Fund will be given to the department office.
Eastwood sixth graders will again decorate veterans’ graves in three Pemb-erville
cemeteries and surrounding areas. They will be bused back to the legion hall for
pizza on May 25 at 11:30 a.m. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help should
come to the legion hall by 11.
Denise Conrad served dessert after the meeting.

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