To the Editor: TARTA/TARPS is only means of transportation for some


Voters in Perrysburg have an opportunity to vote on March 6 whether or not to withdraw from the Toledo
Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA). This has been a topic of debate for years. In spite of that,
there remains no alternative plan to replace TARTA/TARPS (Toledo Area Regional Paratransit Service).
A "no" vote will keep public transportation in Perrysburg – transportation that many citizens
rely on. TARTA/TARPS is utilized by individuals for multiple reasons. Call-A-Ride responds to rider
pickup requests and provides door-to-door service. "Fixed routes" provide service from a
designated bus stop. Ridership is driven by convenience for some and by necessity for others.
Some riders have no alternative mode of transportation – there is no vehicle parked in the garage, in the
driveway, or in the street for these individuals. TARTA/TARPS is their only means of transportation no
matter the destination – whether it be work, a medical appointment, or shopping, to name a few. This
reality should not be taken lightly.
TARTA/TARPS has offered public transportation for years and there is NO alternative plan in place for its
replacement. Voting "no" on this levy will preserve the existing public transportation in
Karen Peck
Bowling Green

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