Organizations: Troy-Webster Legion Auxiliary (02-13-12)


LUCKEY – President Lila James opened the Feb. 1 monthly meeting.
Kathryn Shaffer introduced Frank Barrow, who in turn introduced 1st Lt. Nathan
Anderson of the Ohio National Guard 11th Engineer Battalion. He just returned
from serving a year in Afghanistan. Lt. Anderson stated that they trained in
Wisconsin and once in Afghanistan, oversaw operations of extra brigades. He
related that it is a difficult terrain. They have no telephone wires and have
bridged 40 years by now using cell phones. The tribes there have been at war for
over 40 years. It is a constant battle to keep all the tribes happy. We train
their army; female soldiers teach homemaking skills. The war lords have to be
paid off, to allow our soldiers to be in their province.
The Legion Commander William Compton would like to call a joint meeting of the legion
and auxiliary to discuss purchasing and choosing new flooring for the kitchen
and back storage room.
Dues will go from $20 to $25 for 2013, due to dues increases at Department.
The Spring Conference will be March 3 at the Diehn Unit, with registration at 8:30
The date for making poppy bouquets for the cemetery is March 28. The Past Presidents
will work out poppy day details.
May 19 is the District Summer Convention at the Pemberville Unit #183.
Feb. 24 is the Past Presidents Soup, Salad, Dessert and drink supper. Serving is from
4:30 – 6:30 p.m., with a $7 donation. Proceeds will be used for nurses
On Friday, Kathryn Shaffer was to meet with the girls interested in attending Girls
Rosemarie Heilman, nominating committee, asked those who would serve as an officer or
on a committee for next year, to please let her know.
The next unit meeting is March 7 at 7:30 p.m.

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