July 15 is deadline to report prevented planting


COLUMBUS – Steven Maurer, the state executive director for the Ohio Farm Service Agency would like to
remind producers about the deadline extension date to timely report prevented planting is July 15.
With the extension, producers are able to file form CCC-576, Notice of Loss for prevented planting of
corn and soybeans at the same time as filing annual acreage reports which are also due by July 15th,
Maurer said."
Prevented planting acreage, or acreage that could not be planted because of wet field conditions or other
natural disaster, should be reported to FSA by July 15th. This includes crops covered by crop insurance
or the Non-insured Assistance Program (NAP) and crops without insurance coverage. Producers should
contact their local FSA office or crop insurance agent to verify final planting dates for all crops
since they vary among counties and crop types.
For crop losses on crops covered by the Non-insured Assistance Program (NAP), producers must contact
their local FSA office within 15 days of the occurrence of the disaster or when losses become apparent
to file a Notice of Loss. Producers with crop insurance should contact their local agent when losses
occur and before destroying the crop.
To report prevented acreage, producers must complete Form CCC-576, Notice of Loss, for affected crops.

If a producer misses the reporting deadline for prevented planting, they may still report prevented
planting acreage as long as the disaster condition may be verified and a measurement service fee is
paid. If the acreage was timely reported to insurance and supports the crop information reported to FSA,
the fee may be waived. This crop insurance exception does not apply to NAP.
Producers may contact their local county FSA office if they have any questions about prevented and failed
reporting or visit www.fsa.usda.gov.

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